Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanks & Giving

Yeng says I always write when I am angry or annoyed. Very true. So I will try to keep this post positive. I am thankful for so many things. Things I can't even put into words. This year I am just thankful for family, friends, love, and having a job. Not in that order.

I hope the coming year will be as interesting (dare I say, complex?) as this year. Even though challenges were abundant, I don't have any regrets.

To infity, and beyond!


Happy Turkey day to all!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Resistance is Futile

I am very annoyed right now. No matter what I do, or how many times I do it, certain companies I deal with for can't get their programs together. I have to call these companies, literally, like 3,000 times because someone effs up and I have to figure out why it got that way. Don't these people want my money? Then do a good job, dammit!

Sheesh, it is not that hard. If I could, I would do it myself...I just feel like calling some of these people "a$$hats" over the phone. Like, "get it right, "a$$hat!"

I also like when I get mail from said companies that says "so sorry, we couldn't proceed with X" but a few days earlier, I checked and X was perfectly fine and dandy. Get your sh!t together, people!

I hate incompetence. It really irks me...

This is probably the most annoyed I have been in quite awhile. Usually I don't resolve to such vulgar tactics, but this instance completely called for it.

I'm going to read Urban Dictionary for some good laughs. Or, I could just watch "How to Be a Gangster" on youtube. That always cracks me up...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Walk In the Clouds

My mind is has been real foggy lately. It takes me a good minute to think about what I was just doing. I wonder if it is lack of sleep, or what?

I am so annoyed by passwords. Why can't there be one password for everything in the world? Work computer, home computer, blog site, email account, I mean if the TV had a password, I would give up and just read books all the time. No passwords needed there! For instance, to log into this site, I had to put in a password. I have like 42 passwords to remember. I write some down but I always lose them. Oh, well!

It's only 8:00 p.m.. I think I'm going to have a glass of wine and read a nice book! I want a recliner. That would be excellent!

I got a flu shot today. My arm hurts like a mofo. :(

Friday, November 6, 2009

Hot Mess

Today on the drive home, I heard some song on the radio where the guy kept saying "hot mess, she's a hot mess..." it was sort of catchy. I'm going to Google this song later. Okay, I Googled it and it's by Ligeia. Find it. Listen to it. You won't be sorry. Hee :)

Today was so busy at work. I like when things are busy - the time goes by so much faster. I really like Excel (when it works). I am such a nerd.

On the whole, this was a good week. I finished everything I needed to do, and more importantly, I felt like I belonged at work.

Tomorrow, I'm catching up with former work buddies. It's gonna be good times :)

The other day, I mentioned to my co-worker, "wouldn't it be great if we brought a Wii to work?" That would be an awesome stress-reliever! Unfortch, apparently there are no tv's anywhere in the building. Except maybe the ones the security guards use to keep an eye on cleptos. Ya know what I mean, Jellybean?

I am so happy it's the weekend.. I could just shout it from the rooftops! Speaking of rooftops, what in God's name was Al Gough (character on Flashforward) thinking when he catapulted himself off of the roof of his workplace? I liked his character, too. I Googled him (I know, i'm such a stalker) and he played Jett Jackson on The Famous Jett Jackson show on Disney Channel. So THAT's where I recognize him from. Thanks, Google! What would I do without you?

Off to play CafeWorld! But before I go, I truly believe in posting useless pics of a very swoonworthy someone...(don't worry Yeng, I post pics of you all the time on FB)

Yes! Walk to me, RPattz!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Why I love Daylight Savings in Winter

I am so psyched. Thanks to Daylight Savings, I get an extra hour of sleep! Boo-yahhhh! I wasted half the day sleeping, but it was worth it. I never get enough sleep on weeknights. Weekends are so wonderful. I keep thinking of how to extend my weekends. Maybe I can find a part-time job so I only have to work four days a week :) LOL

You know what sucks about getting older? Your body parts stop functioning like they used to. Exhibit A: joints. My elbows and knees feel like they are weakening. I might be due a calcium deficiency, but somehow I think I'm also becoming lactose intolerant. (TMI?) Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, I need milk for strong bones (and I guess joints), but I also can't drink too much milk because it makes my stomach all weird and no one wants that. Exhibit B: I am getting fatter. This never used to happen. I was always so skinny people thought I had an eating disorder (I didn't and don't, BTW. I am just a picky eater and I eat REALLLY slowly.) Now anything I eat goes straight to the parts of my body I don't want them to go. It really sucks. I guess that is part of getting older.

I've also only been awake for twelve hours, and I am POOPED. Where the heck am I supposed to get the energy I need to be bopping around? I'm thinking caffeine IV. Sounds good to me...

Only 18 days until New Moon!

I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it:

You know what would make me happy? An all-expense paid trip to somewhere sandy and tropical. And, the stipulation that I'd never have to work again in my entire life. And, I'm alive and Yeng is alive. And all my family and friends are alive. (Can't have loopholes in there now, can we? ;-) )

I'm going to read.

Agatha Christie rocks.
