Sunday, November 1, 2009

Why I love Daylight Savings in Winter

I am so psyched. Thanks to Daylight Savings, I get an extra hour of sleep! Boo-yahhhh! I wasted half the day sleeping, but it was worth it. I never get enough sleep on weeknights. Weekends are so wonderful. I keep thinking of how to extend my weekends. Maybe I can find a part-time job so I only have to work four days a week :) LOL

You know what sucks about getting older? Your body parts stop functioning like they used to. Exhibit A: joints. My elbows and knees feel like they are weakening. I might be due a calcium deficiency, but somehow I think I'm also becoming lactose intolerant. (TMI?) Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, I need milk for strong bones (and I guess joints), but I also can't drink too much milk because it makes my stomach all weird and no one wants that. Exhibit B: I am getting fatter. This never used to happen. I was always so skinny people thought I had an eating disorder (I didn't and don't, BTW. I am just a picky eater and I eat REALLLY slowly.) Now anything I eat goes straight to the parts of my body I don't want them to go. It really sucks. I guess that is part of getting older.

I've also only been awake for twelve hours, and I am POOPED. Where the heck am I supposed to get the energy I need to be bopping around? I'm thinking caffeine IV. Sounds good to me...

Only 18 days until New Moon!

I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it:

You know what would make me happy? An all-expense paid trip to somewhere sandy and tropical. And, the stipulation that I'd never have to work again in my entire life. And, I'm alive and Yeng is alive. And all my family and friends are alive. (Can't have loopholes in there now, can we? ;-) )

I'm going to read.

Agatha Christie rocks.


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